The zetafluẍ® product in the Lydall fluẍ product family is a multi-layer composite shield designed for application environments marked by aggressive vibration and noise generation. The composite material is designed to damp the vibration response across a broad band of frequencies which reduces mechanical stress resulting from inertial forces and essentially eliminates parasitic noise generation.
Viscoelastic Layer
Low Temperature (LT)
- Tshield < 140 ° C
- Laminated Polyethylene
Mid Temperature (MT)
- Tshield < 220 ° C
- Co-Laminated Acrylic
High Temperature (HT)
- Tshield < 350 ° C
- Co-Laminated Silicon
Metallic Layers
- Aluminum 1050-O or 1100-O depending on the market
- Gauges from 0.1 mm to 1.0 mm are possible
- 2 x 0.3 mm is a common composite and consistently provides desired results
Thermal Performance
- Low emissivity surfaces for high infrared radiation environments
- High lateral thermal conductivity to spread heat away from hot zones
- The viscoelastic layer will provide a small reduction in cold side temperature
- High operating temperatures
Acoustical Performance
- High transmission loss for better acoustic isolation
- Marked vibration damping
- Essentially acoustically transparent – no contribution to noise levels
- No cooling ping
- No impact ring
Mechanical Performance
- Improved damping reduces the vibration response and transmissibility of the heat shield resulting in a decreased stress response due to inertial loading
General Performance Characteristics
- Resistance to all common automotive fluids
- Non-inflammable composite per FMVSS 302
- Long-Term high temperature resistance
- No delamination